Gauri Subramani on Gender and Resource Inequality in Innovation

Why are women so badly underrepresented in the U.S. patent process, a key measure of innovation? Gauri Subramani’s research helps shed light on what’s going on.

Danny Zane on Would You Buy Something Just Because it was Pi Day?

Sales promotions centered on special days like Pi Day on March 14 can be an effective lure for shoppers, a recent study suggests.

Jim Dearden and Chad Meyerhoefer on Restaurant Wine Pricing

Planning to order wine with dinner at a restaurant this Valentine's Day? Caveat emptor: A recent study shows that restaurants charge more for bottles of wine that they also sell by the glass.

Ahmed Rahman Explains the Pandemic Labor Market

Ahmed Rahman discusses how the pandemic and other factors have contributed to high job openings and low hiring in the U.S. labor market.

Zach Zacharia on What’s Happening with the Supply Chain Now?

The economy, transportation disruption and issues with suppliers pose the highest levels of risk in the new Lehigh Business Supply Chain Risk Management Index.

David Rea on Health Care, Food and Fairness

How do we increase fairness and justice in the delivery of basic needs services, such as food distribution and health care? David Rea discusses his research.

Loren Keim on What Comes After Malls?

Loren Keim discusses the decades-long decline of shopping malls and retail stores, and how the in-person shopping experience is likely to continue to change.

Rebecca Wang and Mathew Isaac On How Religious Ads Can Hurt Faith-Based Colleges

Colleges and universities using overtly religious advertising risk having prospective students rate their STEM and even business programs lower, research suggests.

Georgette Chapman Phillips on Women in Business

Dean Georgette Chapman Phillips talks about the strides women in the workplace have taken over the years.

Phillip Coles on the Effects of Disruptions in the Supply Chain on the Holidays

Phillip Coles, Lehigh Business professor of practice talks about how disruptions in the supply chain will affect this holiday season.